P&F Committee
The P&F Committee is a group of volunteer members from our school community elected at an AGM held towards the end of the school year. The AGM takes place on the same night as the School Advisory Council ACM and is usually held in the school hall. We meet on a Monday morning, straight after drop off or Friday afternoon before school pick up and everyone is welcome to attend or submit items for discussion. The dates are advertised in the school term date planner and in the school newsletter.
Generally, we will discuss matters relating to school social/significant events to build on the St. Andrew’s Community Spirit and foster a sense of belonging for everyone. This includes ways to make the P&F levy work effectively in helping our children in a meaningful way; without spending hours in fundraising. We have adopted a ‘gentle fundraising’ approach where parents can opt-in if they wish, without fundraising being forced on them. We ensure any P&F Funds are used responsibly and encourage suggestions on how these monies are best spent. We also try and get parent help and donations from Council / Corporate Entity as appropriate.
The P&F has a Facebook Group – St Andrew’s Clarkson CPS P&F Group – you can request to join and keep informed of what your P&F are organising for both students and parents. It’s also a great way to keep on top of \ general events at the school.
We look forward to any feedback and assistance you can provide at the meetings.
P&F Levy
The levy is offered to families in lieu of concentrating on fundraising to support community events. It also enables getting items for the children that School Fees and Government Funding doesn’t cover. (Many of the activities that are held by the P&F are free for the children). Finally, it covers the Affiliation Fees paid on each child’s behalf for a voice at the State & Federal levels through the PFFWA and APC.
Each parent/guardian or child has an opportunity to suggest ways to spend this money, as it is discussed at meetings
How Can I Help?
- Come to P&F meetings
- Hold an Executive position on the P&F
- Support the P&F through your and your children’s attendance at events
- Co-ordinate one of the major events
- Welcome to St. Andrew’s Night
- Easter / Mothers’ Day / Fathers’ Day Raffle
- School Disco
- St. Andrew’s Day Celebration
- Volunteer to help at events run by the P&F through the year
Helping Our Children
The P&F is one instrument assisting the school community in achieving common goals. Through working closely with the School Authorities, in particular the school Principal, we can ensure that a high level of social and educational interaction exists between home and school, parents and teachers. We endeavour to have all parents enjoy the exciting experience of their children’s formal school years by active participation and personal involvement in the school programs as available.
The PFFWA Inc. is the Western Australian Federation of affiliate Parents & Friends’ Associations which provides an independent voice for parents of children in Catholic schools [be they in school “P&F Associations”, “Parent Groups”, “Parent Councils” or unrepresented] and assists them in working collaboratively with their schools and parishes to provide a Catholic education which will help all children to achieve their full potential.
The Australian Parents Council is the national federation of non-government school parent organisations which has represented parents of non-government school children in Australia since 1962. The APC is highly active in advocating at a national level for fair and equitable funding for students in non-government schools, increased funding for children with disabilities and parental engagement in educational decision making by the Federal government and its departments.
P&F Executive:
- President: Mrs Katie Canzirri
- Vice President: Mrs Melissa Morris
- Treasurer: Mrs Krys Stropek
- Secretary: Mrs Joanne Webber
- Committee: Emily Wesley, Vanessa Neave
- Principal: Mr Sam Fontaine
- Staff Representatives (Assistant Principals): Mr Fintan Archer & Mrs Alison Campbell