The School Day
Meet and Greet | 8:20am – 8:30am |
School Hours | 8:30am – 2:30pm |
Pre-Primary – Year 6
Meet and Greet | 8:20am – 8:30am |
School Start | 8:30am |
Sip N Crunch | 10:15am – 10:25am |
Morning Recess | 10:25am – 10:40am |
Lunch | 12:20pm – 1:05pm |
End of School | 2:45pm |
All children are supervised after school to 3.00pm. OSHClub – a before and after school care facility is available to all families who require this service from 7.00am and until 6.00pm.
Parents are encouraged to ensure that students arrive at school prior to 8:25am, so that they have the opportunity to organise themselves and be ready to start their school day promptly at 8:30am. Students who are consistently late miss out on gathering with their peer group. Their learning opportunities are disrupted, as are the opportunities of their classmates. Students who arrive after 8:30am are required to be signed in at the office to collect a late slip to take to class. Students who arrive late will be marked late on the morning roll.
Student Absences
Whenever a student is absent a written explanation from the parent must be presented to the teacher on the day of return to school. If the school is not informed of a child being absent a note requesting the reason for absence will be sent home with the child upon their return. If a child is late to school (after 8.45am), parents must complete the late attendance register at the school office. They will then be given a late attendance card to pass to the classroom teacher. No child may leave the school grounds with being in the company of a parent / guardian during school hours without completing the slip from the school office.