Administering Medication
Parents/guardians are encouraged to administer all medicines to students on a schedule that allows for administration at home, out of school hours. As this is not possible in all instances, the school may be able to assist in the administration of medication to a student but the school’s procedures must be followed and completed prior to this being agreed to by the Principal (or Assistant Principal when necessary).
Allergic Reactions
The ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions is for people with mild to moderate allergies, who need to avoid certain allergens.
Asthma Care
Staff are trained in asthma first aid and can provide routine asthma medication as authorised in this care plan by the treating doctor. Please advise staff in writing of any changes to this plan.
Helping in the Canteen
In order to provide appropriate service to our children and families, in relation to nutritional food and cost, we require all families to contribute to the operation of the canteen in whatever way possible.